The Biden Administration Focuses on Ukraine’s Problems Instead of America’s Needs

It’s outrageous that the Biden administration would instead send money to a foreign country… instead of caring for our own people.

We need to put America first. This starts with ensuring that our government is investing in our country.

US to Send Ukraine Another $400 Million Military Aid

The US will send Ukraine another $400 million in military assistance. These funds are meant to help the country defend itself against Russia.

Other arms, munitions, air defense missiles, and vehicles are being sent. Right now, Ukraine is dealing with relentless aerial shelling from Russia.

The Pentagon said in a press release, “Russia [continues to attack with] brutal missile and UAS [drone] on Ukrainian critical energy infrastructure. Additional air defense capabilities remain an urgent priority.”

They added, “The additional munitions for NASAMS [National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems] and heavy machine guns will help Ukraine counter these urgent threats.” 

The extra defenses are crucial… as Ukraine looks to ward off missile and drone strikes ahead of winter.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a separate State Department also shared his thoughts in a press release. He said, “The artillery ammunition, precision fires, air defense missiles, and tactical vehicles that we provide will best serve Ukraine on the battlefield.”

Blinked added, “We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes… so it can continue to defend itself and be in the strongest possible position at the negotiating table when the time comes.”  

Pentagon Refused to Provide Important Details on Administration’s Additional Ukraine Funds

The Pentagon refused to provide key details about the Biden administration’s request… for an additional $37.7 billion in funding to help Ukraine defend itself from Russia’s invasion. This request would put total U.S. taxpayer support to Ukraine above $100 billion since the war started in February.

The White House asked for more money this November in a letter from the Office of Management and Budget to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The letter explained that of the $37.7 billion it wants, $21.7 billion would go toward:

  • Equipment for Ukraine
  • Replenishment of Department of Defense stocks
  • Other support for Ukraine

However, when asked how much of that amount would be directed toward replenishing US stocks… the Pentagon declined to answer.

Now we’re not sure if the dems are going to use the funds to fully support Ukraine. The administration will most likely have to provide more details to  Congress before legislation can be passed…

Moreover, we are crippling our economy and military supplies by paying for a war that isn’t ours. 

Ukraine’s country and infrastructure are in shambles.  Who is going to pay to rebuild it?  Better not be the dems; they can’t even handle domestic problems like the border and crime in our cities.  

This unprecedented spending is irrelevant and must be stopped… or at least be reduced.

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One Thought to “The Biden Administration Focuses on Ukraine’s Problems Instead of America’s Needs”

  1. […] the US seems to be doing too much to assist Ukraine. How long can our government support […]

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